Malheur County Junior LIvestock Sales Committee
Chairperson: Chad Evers
Vice Chair: Jason Sherman (FFA Representative)
Secretary: Angie Allum, DVM
Treasurer: Rob Stokes
Morgan Johnsrud
Dan Tschida
Ashley Robertson
Chris Carlton
Kelsey Zimmerman
Corey Maag
Michael McGourty
Garrett Chamberlain
Josh Tolman
Malheur County Junior Livestock Sales Committee
Please push the button below to see all Fair Board Responsibilities.
Sales Committee Mission
The Malheur County Junior Livestock Sales Committee is a group of individuals representing the 4-H, FFA, and the community at large who are committed to providing a positive learning experience for Malheur County 4-H and FFA youth to exhibit and market their animal projects at the Malheur County Fair.
The purpose of the MCJLSC, shall be to help educate exhibitors that are enrolled in a certified 4-H or FFA program in Malheur County, Oregon to produce more desirable market and breeding animals and provide a service to market such animals, and promote the MCJLSC Junior Sale held annually during the Malheur County Fair.
Sales Committee Rules
Malheur County Junior Livestock Sale 4-H and FFA Market Animal and Dairy Heifer Replacement Rules
The objective of this sale is to provide an outlet for market stock and dairy breeding animals raised by exhibitors in a certified 4-H or FFA program in Malheur County, Oregon. This sale is part of the consumer education efforts of 4-H and FFA with focus on marketing at proper weigh, quality grade and producing a desirable carcass or breeding animal from the consumer and producer standpoint. Any animal being sold through the MCJLS will follow the rules listed below. The MCJLS Committee rules must be adhered to along with all 4-H and/or FFA rules pertaining to the sale.
An auction of market animals and dairy breeding stock meeting the specification outlined in these guidelines and entered/exhibited at the Malheur County Fair will sell at the Junior Livestock Auction occurring during the time of fair. Each exhibitor will be allowed to sell one animal or a pen of animals regardless of the number of projects entered/exhibited.
Treating an animal internally or externally in any way to misrepresent the true nature of an animal is prohibited. The use of color dyes, spray paint and/or other artificial means which result in altering the animal's true and natural color is not allowed. Violations of these rules may result in carcass premiums and sale proceeds being withheld. The member may also be banned from future sales. Acceptable practices of physical preparation include: clipping of hair or fleece, trimming of hooves, dehorning, and removal of ancillary teats, and docking of tails.
The use of drugs, off label or illegal, or any herbal formula on market animals or dairy breeding stock sold through auction is not allowed. Evidence of such will disqualify the exhibitor from the sale and carcass premiums. Any carcasses found positive for drug residues will be the responsibility of the exhibitor and they must forfeit market sales receipts back to the sale committee. Random or suspected drug testing of any animal may occur.
Exhibitors must adhere to livestock health requirements set by the Malheur County Fair Board.
All animals being sold must be entered/exhibited in the appropriate market class. Exhibitors must also participate in the appropriate showmanship class for the species being sold through the sale. An animal not being shown by the member owning the animal will not be sold. This rule will only be waived if a catastrophic, lawful, or preapproved medical event applies. If one of these events happens, it will be reviewed by a variance committee. The variance committee will consist of; 1 species superintendent, 3 sales committee members, and a 4-H advisor if the topic pertains to a 4-H member or a FFA advisor if the topic pertains to a FFA member.
Any market animal injured at home or in route to the fairgrounds will not be weighted and will not be sold through the sale. Any animal injured at the fairgrounds will be assessed by the superintendent, fair veterinarian and sale committee to decide whether it can be sold.
Animals which have been previously sold through a finished market animal sale connected with a fair or livestock show are not eligible for exhibition through the MCJLS.
Thank you notes to all buyers and anyone who may add-on or bump up the price of animals are required by all youth selling in the sale. Checks will not be released until buyers thank you notes are turned in. Thank you notes must be submitted by the designated date given by the sales committee.
All exhibitors planning to participate in the MCJLS and sell an animal are required to sign and submit the Market Animal Memorandum of Understanding. This memorandum MUST be signed to sell a market animal. This also includes all back up animals. Deadline for all parties to sign this agreement is the animal's required possession date.
All animals in the market animal program must have been owned and in the possession of exhibitor by the official weigh-in or required possession date. All required paperwork related to transfer of ownership is required at spring weigh-in. To sell in the MCJLS, all sale animals must have been weighed in during the scheduled spring weigh-in times. Depending on the species, this will include actual weigh-ins or pictures turned in for proof of possession.
All market beef must be dehorned, and males must be castrated or banded prior to spring weigh-in. All market hogs must be castrated prior to required possession date. All market goats and market lambs must be USDA scrapie tagged, castrated one week, or banded prior to possession date or spring weigh-in.
All animals must meet the following weight guidelines at spring weigh-in: BEEF- 950 pound maximum; GOAT- Must still be showing milk teeth at weigh-in. No weight requirements for other species.
Youth may tag one dairy heifer, two steers, two hogs, two goats, two lambs, two pens of roaster and fryer rabbits and two pens of roaster and fryer chickens. AN EXHIBITOR MAY SELL ONLY ONE MARKET ANIMAL OR PEN OF ANIMALS, regardless of the number of projects exhibited at the fair.
A family unit may tag an extra animal in each species for use by a member of that immediate (i.e. brother, sister, step-sibling or living in the household during the time of the project) family and a specific exhibitors names does not have to be a registered at the time of spring weigh-in. (EXAMPLE: Three kids in family unit tag one market steer each; the family unit may tag an extra steer to be designated as the FAMILY EXTRA, so each kids does not need to tag two steers. Any of these three kids could choose to use the FAMILY EXTRA steer.)
Steers will be ear-tagged at weigh-ins. Pens of rabbits (3 or 4 animals) and chickens (3 or 4 animals) will be visibly photographed in cage next to the owner. Hogs photographed with one hog per photo, with one picture of the hog and one picture with the exhibitor with the hog. Sheep and goats will have USDA scrapie tags documented at the time of required possession date. Photographs submitted on sheep and goats will include the scrapie tag in the animal's ear and the animal with the owner plus a second photo of the animal. This includes all back-up animals that may be used as replacements at the time of fair. All photographs must be submitted by the required possession date pertaining to each species.
Allowable breeds to be sold in the Junior Livestock Sale:
Goat-Boer, Kiko, Spanish/Boer, Savanna or Cross Breeds of these Breeds.
Poultry- Cornish Cross, Jersey Giants, Breese, Freedom Ranger, Red Ranger, Rolins.
Rabbits- New Zealand, American, Californian, Blanc de Hotot, American Chinchilla, Silver Fox, Champagne, Cinnamons, Satins, Standard Rex, Palomino, Flemish Giants, American Sable or Cross Breeds of the above.
Sheep- Cheviot, Dorset, Hampshire, Montadale, North County Cheviot, Katahdrin, Oxford, Shropshire, Southdown, Suffolk, Texel, Tunis, Leicester, Dorper or Cross Breeds of the above.
Hogs- American Yorkshire, Berkshire, Chester White, Duroc, Hampshire, Hereford, Landrace, Poland China, Spotted, Tamworth or cross breeds of the above.
In addition to spring weigh-ins and required possession dates, all exhibitor market animals must weigh in during the MCF at the scheduled, allotted weigh in times for that species in order to be eligible to sell in the sale.
Unruly sale animals that cannot be handled by the exhibitor will be evaluated by a variance committee. The variance committee will consist of; 1 species superintendent, 3 sale committee members, and a 4-H advisor if the topic pertains to a 4-H member or a FFA advisor if the topic pertains to a FFA member. If the variance committee is unavailable at the time of weigh-ins, the unruly animal will be weighed across the scale whenever possible. This will allow the animal to get a weighed in weight until the committee has time to evaluate the animal. A determination will be made before the sale. An adult may assist the member with leading animals across the scale. NOSE TONGS, NOSE RINGS OR INHUMANE RESTRAINTS ARE PROHIBITED.
Each market animal will be officially weighed once, any over or under weight animals will be reweighed immediately upon exhibitor's request, once scales have been checked for zero and balanced. NO RE-WEIGH AFTER THIS POINT. Lambs will not be weighed wet. Wool must be 1/2 inch or less.
Any animal without the proper identification (rabbits tattooed or matching photo, chickens banded or matching photo, steers ear-tagged, hogs not matching photo and sheep and goats without documented USDA scrapie tag and matching photo) will not be weighed and will not be sold in the auction.
Completed E-SLIPS and HEALTH FORMS and any additional required paperwork must be turned into weigh-in clerk before weighing in. If all paperwork pertaining to the animal in question is not complete, the animals will not be weighed.
All animals must meet the following weight and age guidelines at Fair Weigh-in: Dairy Replacement heifers, no weight requirements, must be 90 days pregnant; Beef 1100 lbs. minimum, no maximum; Market Sheep minimum weight of 110 lbs. maximum of 160 lbs.; Market Goats minimum weight 65 lbs. maximum weight of 120 lbs.; Swine minimum weight of 225 lbs. maximum weight of 310 lbs. {Note: No intact males allowed in the above mentioned (including cryptorchids)}. Fryer Rabbits- 3.5 to 5 lbs. under 69 days, Roaster Rabbits 5 to 7.5 lbs. under 90 days. Fryer Chickens- 4 to 6 lbs. under 8 weeks, Roaster Chickens over 6 lbs. 8 to 16 weeks. (Rabbits and Chickens in pens of 3).
All animals meeting weight requirements will be evaluated by a qualified judge and their decision is final. White ribbons are an indication of an estimated grade of standard or below in market animals. WHITE RIBBON ANIMALS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO SALE due to below standard carcass grade estimations. These animals must remain on the fairgrounds until the completion of the fair. If they leave prior to the set fair release time, the student may be ineligible to sell at the following fair.
When a participant/exhibitor sells their market animal through the Malheur County Junior Livestock Sale and the market animals is not delivered to the floor buyer or a registered slaughter house, the seller will receive a minimum of a one year suspension from selling through the MCJLS. All proceeds from the sale of said animal will be returned to the purchaser(s)/buyer(s).
The order of the sale by species, to be determined by the sale committee, will be based on quality and class ribbon. Grand and Reserve Champions of each specie will sell first and second followed by ribbon placing in the ring.
Rabbit and chicken fryers and roasters will be sold in pens of three by the pen. If a floor is unavailable, the price will start at zero. Rabbits and chickens selling through the sale must go to the floor buyer.
All animals eligible to sell may go through the sale. Except dairy replacement heifers, all animals that go through the sale must go to the floor buyer or to slaughter at a registered slaughter facility.
All animals being sold must be shown through the sale ring by the owner. Animals not being shown through the sale ring by the member owning the animals or pen of animals will not be sold. This rule will only be waived if a catastrophic, lawful, or preapproved medical event applies. If one of these events happens, it will be reviewed by a variance committee. The variance committee will consist of; 1 species superintendent, 3 sale committee members, and a 4-H advisor if the topic pertains to a 4-H member or a FFA advisor if the topic pertains to a FFA member.
Consignment of livestock will be to Junior Sale Committee and a sales commission charge of five percent will be deducted from the sale price of each animal, in lieu of any other selling charges to offset the cost of conducting the sale.
If the sales committee agrees to conduct a carcass contest, then the carcass data will e obtained on market animals. If carcass data is not obtainable it will not be included in carcass contest. Carcass data is the property of MCJLS Committee.
After the sale, exhibitors are still responsible for properly caring for their animals until the animal is loaded on the truck. With Dairy projects, the exhibitor is responsible for all care and expenses until the heifer is delivered to the buyer. Any exhibitor not caring for their project after the sale will be charged a $25.00/day fee and will be unable to sell in future sales.
Along with exhibitors being responsible for their animal after the sale, they will be encouraged to bring their animals to the designated loading areas at the designated times.
If an animal is condemned in the slaughter process, the Malheur County Junior Livestock Sale Committee will absorb the loss, except for drug residues (as referred to in Malheur County Junior Livestock Sale Committee Drug Policy) or other pre-existing conditions that were in control of the exhibitor.
Animals that do not go through the auction are not the responsibility of the Sale Committee. Extra animals will not be shipped with sale animals.
A 2% shrink will be taken on sale beef after final weigh-in and may be taken to all other species for the Livestock Sale.
No member shall be permitted to decorate, paint or adorn their animal with any item except the ribbons won by that exhibitor while showing that animal at the MCF. Violators will be required to remove said items and if cannot do so in time for sale, they will forfeit their spot in the sale order. Anyone in violation of this rule shall have a $500 fine removed from their livestock sale check. The check will not be released to the individual until an apology, in the form of a letter or an in-person appearance, has been received to the Junior Livestock Sale Committee and the Malheur County Fair Board.
No hats, head bands or inappropriate head attire is to be worn while the exhibitor is in the sale ring marketing their animal.
The objective of this sale is to provide an outlet for quality dairy replacement heifers raised by exhibitors enrolled in a certified 4-H and FFA program in Malheur County, Oregon. These heifers were purchased calves from local dairymen. Youth have raised these heifers for one or two years with each animal vaccinated, dewormed, dehorned and bred to quality sires.
All dairy heifers will be pregnancy checked by a licensed veterinarian, must be at least 90 days pregnant at fair time, ear tattoo confirmed, and weighed on Tuesday, of fair week, prior to steer weigh-in at the beef scale by designated Weighmaster at Malheur County Fair. Health forms & E-Slip needs to be turned in at weigh in. Heifer weights will be available during the sale.
Any heifer calving early still must be sold in the sale with the new calf considered separate from the heifer and owned by exhibitor currently raising the animal.
The Champion heifer of each breed will sell first.
The sales commission will be deducted from each check to cover expenses.
All money collected through the Junior Sale will be handled by the Junior Sale Committee and Nichols Accounting Services.
Dairy Cattle will not be pregnancy checked on the scales.
Contact the Dairy Replacement Heifer Program Committee for additional guidelines and rules.
Beef Market Animals- All Market Beef Exhibitors Must Turn in At Fair Weigh-In:
E-SLIP (filled out completely by the seller of the animal), T-SLIP (if you are the producer of the animal from birth), or Brand Inspection certificate.
Cattle Supplier Affidavit (located under paperwork and important documents on this sight)
White Health Form- Filled out completely and signed.
Market Hogs- All Market Hog Exhibitors must Turn In At Fair Weigh-In:
White Health Form- Filled out completely and signed.
Market Lambs- All Market Lamb Exhibitors Must Turn In At Fair Weigh-In:
White Health Form- Filled out completely and signed.
Market Goats- All Market Goat Exhibitors Must Turn In At Fair Weigh-In:
White Health Form- Filled out completely and signed.
Market Chickens and Rabbits- All Market Chicken and Rabbit Exhibitors Must Turn In At Fair Weigh-In:
White Health Form- Filled out completely and signed.
Dairy Replacement Heifers- All Dairy Replacement Heifer Exhibitors Must Turn In At Fair Weigh-In:
E-SLIP- Filled out by the seller of the animal.
Bangs Tattoo
White Health Form- Filled out completely and signed.
Malheur County Junior Livestock Sale Committee (MCJSC) Drug Policy
For the Malheur County Fair Drug Policy please press the button below.